Items for Sale - Advertising and College Covers

Item# 17062

Price: $950

CSA 2-Y, 10¢ light milky blue (4 large even margins), tied neat KNOXVILLE / Ten. // OCT / 10 / 1862 cds on fancy printed Exchange & Deposit Bank, Knoxville, Tenn., to Col. O. P. Temple, Saltville, Virginia. slightly reduced at top and sealed flap tears. $950.

Oliver Perry Temple (1820-1907), a lawyer and a Unionist, told his regional audiences that slavery was better protected under the Constitution than it would be with an act of rebellion. The rest of Tennessee saw it otherwise, and the state joined the Confederacy. He spent much of the first half of the war providing legal defense for Unionists who had been charged with treason by Confederate authorities.

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