Items for Sale - Prisoner of War & Civilian Flag of Truce - Section Two


POINT LOOKOUT, MARYLAND: US 3¢ rose tied target and matching POINT LOOKOUT / MD // MAR  cds on cover to “Miss Annie M. Thomas, Dixie P.O., Fluvanna Co, Virginia” with routing “Flag of Truce” and Confederate postage paid by DUE 10, RICHMOND / VA. // MAR / 1 [1864] cds also tied 3¢ rose;large fancy Patterson Point Lookout examined oval at left; endorsement of W. P. C. Thomas Co B 18th Va (a Pickett’s Charge regiment) at upper right. 1991 CSA certificate #02287, Ex Agre. A spectacular use from a Gettysburg soldier. $1,350.

William P.C. Thomas was in Co. C, 14th VA Infantry. He died of disease while a prisoner at Point Lookout.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 1,350


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, SANDUSKY, OHIO: 3¢ rose tied target and matching SANDUSKY / O // JUL / 14 / / 64 double circle and RICHMOND / Va. // JUL / 30 [1864] cds with matching straightline DUE 10 to pay the Confederate rate; on cover to Mrs. M. E. Mitchell, Glennville Barbour Co, ala.  with endorsement of J.B. Mitchell Co B 34th Ala Inft.; routing “For flag of truce via Ft. Monroe, Va” and manuscript Ex CSA examined marking; Nice use of both sides. Military records show Mitchell as a 1st Lieut. $600.

$ 600


CIVILIAN FLAG OF TRUCE: CSA #12a, 10¢ milky blue (some students call this shade on type II “opaline”) tied light strike of RICHMOND / VA. cds on small narrow cover to “Mrs. A. E. Holcombe, Jetersville, Amelia County, Virginia” with strong  period docketing across the top “Hattie’s letter from Brooklyn written on the 6th of March 1865”; note on back from Jack Molesworth that this is positively identified as civilian Flag of Truce use by the companion cover, which regrettably is no longer with it. $250.

$ 250


CAMP CHASE, COLUMBUS, OHIO: U.S. 3¢ rose #65 tied “prison bar grid” with matching COLUMBUS / O // AUG / 16 double circle with manuscript examined marking “Exmd CWB Allison Col” to Mrs. Dr. Alfred Hughes, Wheeling [West] Va. Handstamped censor makings were not used from Camp Chase until 1863. A very lengthy detailed bio accompanies, only a small part of which shown here. $230.

Homœopathy was introduced in 1848 in Wheeling by Dr. Alfred Hughes and his sister, Eliza Hughes, one of the first female physicians.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 230


POINT LOOKOUT, MARYLAND: US #65, 3¢ rose used on money letter (thus not canceled); to Private Wm. D. Crosland, Prisoner of War, Co. E, 5th Division, Prisoners Camp, Point Lookout, Md. with docketing “Per flag of Truce” and “$5.00 U.S. T[reasury] note”; also very small light manuscript “ex” (examined) at right. $300.

William D. Crosland was in Co. E, SC 15th Infantry and Co. A, SC Holcome Legion Cavalry, and Co. C., SC Manigault's Battalion.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 300


CAMP SORGHUM, COLUMBIA S.C.: 10¢ Milky Blue #12a, gum stains, uncanceled but tied by manuscript docketing, bold OLD POINT COMFORT / VA / DEC / 16 [1864] double-circle cancel and DUE 6 in circle for U.S. unpaid rate on cover endorsed from "From Lieut. Wm. Henry Raymond, Co. H., N.Y. Vol. Arty. Prisoner of War, C.S. Military Prison, Columbia S.C. Per Flag of Truce Boat", manuscript examiner's mark "Exd. By T.G. Holland Lt. 1st Ga R" (guard at Camp Sorghum), Very Fine. There were three prisons in Columbia. The attribution to Camp Sorghum is based on military records researched by Brian Green (signed on back). Military records for Raymond accompany – captured at Cold Harbor. Ex-Murphy and Walske. A scarce Camp Sorghum prisoner-of-war cover via Richmond and Fortress Monroe. $2,000.

$ 2,000


ROCK ISLAND BARRACKS, ILL: US #65, 3¢ rose used with target and matching ROCK ISLAND / ILL double circle postmark with blue R.I. BARRACKS / PRISONERS LETTER / EXAMINED oval (Harrison type II) which was used in blue only from August 11, 1864 – February 21, 1865. Addressed to Mrs. Emma L. Newman, Point Pleasant, [West] Va. which was then in the Union.  (Mason County); top back flap missing, Ex Hedin $300.

$ 300


CAMP CHASE, COLUMBUS, OHIO: US #65, 3¢ rose tied by prison bar grid with matching COLUMBUS / O // OCT / 22 double circle cancel on cover to Mrs. Alfred Hughes, Wheeling [West] Virginia with manuscript “Exd Peter Zinn Major”, from political prisoner Dr. Alfred Hughes, who was considered a traitor to the Union for refusing to recognize West Virginia as a state and remained at Camp Chase for 8 months. After his release in December 1862, he was elected a member of the Virginia legislature and so remained until the fall of Richmond. He was a pioneer in homeopathy. Slightly reduced at left. Ex Hedin. $250.

$ 250


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, OHIO: US #65, 3¢ rose tied target and matching SANDUSKY / O double circle cancel on cover to J.D. Hamilton, Care. D. Browder & Co, Montgomery, Ala. with straightline DUE  10 from Richmond, although no Richmond cancel showing. Endorsed “T. H. Hamilton, Lt 18th Tenn. Regt., Prisoner of War, Johnson’s Island, Ohio” and routed “For Flag of Truce Via Fortress Monroe & City Point”.  Nice postal use of both sides. Ex Hedin. Military and regimental records included. $750.

Thomas H. Hamilton enlisted as a 2nd Lieut in Co. K., 18th Tenn. Infantry. He was detailed asDrill Master and Conscript Officer. He was wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn. January 3, 1863 and left on the battlefield. He recovered, but was captured at Nashville on January 30, 1864.

$ 750


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, OHIO: US #65, 3¢ rose tied target and matching SANDUSKY / O double circle cancel on cover to W. T. Sutherlin, Danville, Va. with prisoner endorsement “W. E. Williamson Jr., Pris of War” with RICHMOND / VA. // JAN / 21 and matching DUE 10 routed “Per Flag of Truce” and neat oval PRISONER’S LETTER / JOHNSONS ISLAND // EXAMINED / G A R (Pvt Gerald A. Ressap of the 128th Ohio Volunteers who was a mail examiner from September 6 to 15, 1864). Military records and other information included. President Jefferson Davis and his cabinet went to Danville early in April 1865 and made their headquarters at the residence of Major William T. Sutherlin, which is thus referred to as “the last Confederate Capitol.” It was in the Sutherlin home that Davis' issued his final Presidential Proclamation.  Cover with couple small edge faults and open 3 sides; inside is addressed and likely handcarried and pencil post-war notations inside. Ex Hedin.  $800.

$ 800


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, OHIO: CSA #11, 10¢ blue tied RICHMOND / VA  on cover to Joseph Daviers Hamilton, Montgomery, Alabama routed “By flag of truce”. This was an unsealed inner envelope originally enclosed inside another envelope per regulations. The outer envelope with US postage would have been discarded at the exchange point and then this one transmitted to enter the mails in Richmond for forwarding to Alabama. Military and regimental records included. This is a known correspondence which corresponds to other handwriting / covers of origin from Johnson’s Island. Ex Hedin. $550.

Thomas H. Hamilton enlisted as a 2nd Lieut in Co. K., 18th Tenn. Infantry. He was detailed as Drill Master and Conscript Officer. He was wounded at Murfreesboro, Tenn. January 3, 1863 and left on the battlefield. He recovered, but was captured at Nashville on January 30, 1864.

$ 550


JOHNSON’S ISLAND: Sandusky, Ohio: US #65,  3¢ rose, tied by target cancel with matching Nashville / Tenn // Feb / 23 / '64 double circle postmark on incoming cover to "Lieut. Col. J[ohn].W. Inzer, Prisoner of War, Johnsons Island, Ohio”, manuscript "Ex. D.S.A." (De Alva S. Alexander, 128th O.V.I.) censor's marking, top back flap missing  $200.

John Washington Inzer served in Company I, Alabama 58th Infantry, was captured at Missionary Ridge, Tenn., and confined to Johnson’s Island.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 200


FLAG OF TRUCE: US 65, 3¢ rose tied cork with OLD POINT COMFORT / VA // AUG / 25 [186?] double circle on cover to Mrs. Samuel R. Rucker, Murfreesboro, Tennessee Care of Mrs. D. D. Wendell. Uncertain of year of use as Murfreesboro fell early in the war and thus Rucker, who was fighting in the South, had to send mail home via Flag of Truce. $160.

Private Robert M. Rucker was in Co. A 2nd Tennessee Infantry

Much more information on linked page.

$ 160


JOHNSON'S ISLAND, SANDUSKY, OHIO: 3¢ rose #65 cancelled by target with  matching SANDUSKY / O. // SEP / 16 / '64" double circle alongside in combination with RICHMOND / Va // SEP / 28 cds and matching "10" rate handstamp, addressed to Jno W. Stovall Esq., Sassafras Fork, No. Carolina with manuscript Censor's initials "Ex FWR" (Pvt. Frank W. Rittman) and routing endorsement, "For flag of truce boat / Via Old Pt. Comfort / Care of Genl. Comdg Dept. of Va. & N.C.", endorsed at top, "From W. Stovall, Prisoner of War." Wonderful postal use of both sides.  $950.

Wilkins (or Wilkens) Stovall was in Co D 12th NC Infantry.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 950


LIGON'S TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, RICHMOND VA: blue [Norfolk / Va.] PAID 5C. in circle on inner POW cover addressed to “Lieut. Geo. W. Kenney, Prisoner of War at Richmond, Va., Care of Genl. Winder”  with light “Ex” examined marking at upper left. Southbound mail was directed to Fortress Monroe, from which it was transmitted to Norfolk where it would enter the Confederate postal system. A flag of truce letter was placed in an unsealed inner envelope (as offered here), then into an outer envelope with postage prepaid to the exchange point. There, the outer envelope was discarded, and the contents of the letter examined by military authorities. Confederate postage was then paid on the inner envelope, for delivery from the exchange point to destination. Because such mail was handled only by the postal system of the receiving side, inner envelopes show only Confederate markings. This is the scarce early Norfolk route. Mainly because of the relatively smaller prison populations, early mail from the September 1861 to May 1862 routed via Norfolk is much rarer than POW mail after 1862. Only 34 covers recorded in Harrison from Ligon's. $1,400.

Lieut. George W. Kenney of the California Regiment AKA 71st Penn. Infantry. Lt. Kenney was captured at Leesburg, Va. (Ball’s Bluff)

Much more information on linked page.

$ 1,400


CIVILIAN FLAG OF TRUCE: CSA #7-R pair 5¢ blue tied RICHMOND / Va. // SEP 1 / 186 from engineer of the Confederate gunboat Merrimack to his wife Mrs. Julia W. Ramsay, Charlotte, North Carolina with endorsement “Via Flag of Truce from Norfolk”. This was an inner envelope (outer envelope discarded at exchange point per mandate), not all of which bear censor markings. $800.

H. Ashton Ramsay, C.S.N., Chief Engineer of the C.S.S. Viriginia (formerly and popularly known as the U.S.S. Merrimack)

Much more information on linked page.

$ 800


JOHNSON'S ISLAND, SANDUSKY OHIO: POW cover bearing 3¢ rose #65 tied by "Sandusky O. Apr 8 '64" duplex to Mr. A. C. Mitchell at Glennville Ala., endorsed "For flag of truce boat via Old Point Comfort" and at left "J. B. Mitchell Lieut Co B 34th Ala Regt.", manuscript "Ex BAN" examiner's marking, entered Confederate mails with RICHMOND / VA. // MAY / 7 cds with "Due 10" rating handstamp, flap opening tears. Information is sketchy on Alabama soldiers in the Army of Tennessee. Could not find out where or when Lt. Mitchell was captured but most likely during the Atlanta Campaign earlier in 1864. Nice use of both sides postage. [OH] [AL] $750.

$ 750


JOHNSON'S ISLAND, SANDUSKY OHIO: prisoners cover bearing  US 3¢ rose #65, small fault, tied by "Sandusky O. Apr 12 '64" duplex to Box Spring Ga., endorsed "Lt. E. H. Smith, Co. 'K' 3rd Ga. Cav." and "For Flag of Truce Via Fortress Monroe", manuscript "Ex R P H", entered Confederate mails with "Richmond Va May 7" cds and "Due 10" straightline handstamp, Very Fine. Nice use of both sides postage.  $850.

Eugene Hamilton Smith (1843-1880) - 2nd Lieut in Co. C 3rd Georgia Cavalry.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 850


OHIO PENITENTIARY, COLUMBUS, OHIO: U.S. 3¢ rose #65 tied by target cancel with matching COLUMBUS / O // AUG / 15 CDS on cover to “Mrs. Charles Ready, Murfreesboro, Tenn” with large flourished censor marking “Examined Wm A Judkins ADC”. Mrs. Ready was John Hunt Morgan’s mother-in-law and this is ADDRESSED IN GENERAL JOHN HUNT MORGAN’S HAND. Rare thus! Cover with 1” tear at top. Signed on verso by Brian Green attesting to Morgan’s hand. Photocopies of exhibit pages with long write-up accompany. RARE PRISON AND RARE GENERAL. $1,800.

Brig Gen. John Hunt Morgan and his men began raids in Kentucky that lasted three weeks while being chased by Federal troops, but were never captured. In July of 1863, Gen. Morgan and his men took part in their final raid, during a 24 day ride into Southern Indiana and Ohio, which ended when Gen. Morgan was captured.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 1,800


POINT LOOKOUT, MARYLAND: 3¢ rose #65 tied by grid handstamp with matching HENDERSON / KY //MAR / 19 / 1864 cds; incoming cover addressed to prisoner Lt. F[rank] C. Barnes, Co “G” 56 Va  and endorsed "Ward 11 B.1" and “paid 3 cts” at top, ink stain at top right corner. Captured at Gettysburg at Pickett’s Charge, one of the Immortal Six held under fire of their own guns. See Kaufmann article in ASDA magazine on this website for this story of retaliation and retribution. $500.

Lt. Francis Cargill Barnes (1835-1910) was a Private in Co. G. 56th Virginia Infantry (Charlotte Defenders) and rose to 2nd and then 1st Lieutenant. He was captured during Pickett’s Charge at stonewall at Gettysburg

Much more information on linked page.

$ 500


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, SANDUSKY, OHIO: US #65, 3¢ rose tied segmented cork cancel on POW cover to “Lieut Thomas H. B. Randolph, A.D.C.C. Brig. Genl. Pendleton, Prisoner of War, Johnson’s Island” and “Per Flag of Truce”, bold G.F.Y. oval examined marking on back flaps, Old Point Comfort cds, small tear at top not affecting stamp or markings. Military records included. $450.

Thomas Hugh Burwell Randolph (1843-1900) was a corporal in Co. C, 2nd VA Infantry.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 450


CAMP PAROLE, ANNAPOLIS, MD: U.S. 3¢ rose #65 (small faults due to envelope overhang) tied target cancel; addressed in peacock blue ink to “Robert R. Cook, Camp Parole Annapolis Maryland in care Lieutenant Hathaway Co D, 106 Reig NYSV” with regimental receiving mark “HEU VELTON / JULY 27 1863 / N.V.”, irregular reduction at left. CSA Catalog PAR-01 with CCV of $300. Harrison lists only 25 covers known from Camp Parole. $250.

Robert R. Cook was 23 years old when he enlisted as a private at Lisbon, NY info Co. D NY 106 Infantry.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 250


ELMIRA, NEW YORK: US #65, 3¢ rose used with blue target cancel and matching BALTIMORE / MD. // JUN / 7 cds on cover to Sergt Hider D. Dickens, Prisoner of War, Barracks 3 Ward 30, Elmira, N.Y.; oval Elmira examined marking, bit reduced at right upon opening.$300

$ 300


DANVILLE, VIRGINIA: Southern prisoner of war cover from Capt. William F. Tiemann to J. W. Tiemann Esq Care Miss D. F. Tiemann, 128 William Street, New York, N.Y. “Per Flag of Truce” with pencil docketing up left side “Danville Feby 11 / 65” and Capt. Tiemann’s POW endorsement at upper right under encircled DUE 6, Old Point Comfort Feb 18 double cirlce. A number of additional pieces including 2010 letter from POW student Galen Harrison to Jerry Palazolo re this cover. Also a partial transcript of Tiemann’s recount of February 18, 1865 when he was among those transferred from Danville to Libby Prison in Richmond. He arrived Richmond on February 19 and was paroled on February 20 at Annapolis. Cover a bit rumpled with tiny edge tears at top but in generally good shape. A scarce Southern prison. $1,600.

William Francis "Frank" Tiemann (1844-1926) served with the 159th Regiment of the New York State Volunteers.  He was wounded in the Battle of Irish Bend and fought in two other major engagements in Louisiana, at Port Hudson and Mansura.

Much more information on linked page.

$ 1,600


JOHNSON’S ISLAND, OHIO: US 65, 3¢ rose tied SANDUSKY / O // JAN / 20 double circle with matching target cancel to Asa White, Lincoln, Mass; bit soiled and opening flap tear. Oval prison examining marking at left. $170.

$ 170


POINT LOOKOUT, MARYLAND: MONEY LETTER bearing uncanceled US 65, 3¢ rose, as was normal for envelopes containing money, clearly indicated by lower left corner $5 .W.W.T.N. under which is written Flag of Truce, addressed to I. W. Fuller, Co. Gm 7th SC Cavalry, Prisoner at Point Lookout, Md., back flap unsealed, as usual. $300.

$ 300


LIBBY PRISON, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: pristine outgoing prisoner of war cover bearing US 65, cork canceled with OLD POINT COMFORT / VA // MAY / 10 dcds on cover to Capt. Ezra Clarke, Middleton, Conn. with manuscript directive at top U.S. Prisoner of War From Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., file fold across top, Southern prisons are scarcer than Union prisons. $500.

$ 500


FLAG OF TRUCE: Unidentified prison, US 65, 3¢ rose tied cork with OLD POINT COMFORT / VA // AUG / 25 dcds on cover to James G. Wall, Cynthiana, Harrison Co, Ky, with ms. directives Via Flag of Truce and Robt Ould, Bureau of Exchange, Richmond, Va. up left side; part back flap missing, light staining. $250.

Garrett D. Wall served in 7th Kentucky Infantry, Cluke/Johnson’s Brigade, Morgan’s Division, Army of Tennessee. He was promoted to 1st Lieut. and Aide de Camp to General Richard M. Gano. More info on linked page

$ 250


FORT DELAWARE: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by RICHMOND / VA // JUL / 20 [1864] cds on small narrow POW cover addressed to Mrs. Martha T. Moss, Chappell Hill, Fluvanna County, Va., routed Care of Maj. Gen. B. F. Butler, Commanding Department of Virginia & N.C. and Via Fortress Monroe & City Point Per Flag of Truce. U.S. stamp removed or fell off. North to South use. DELAWARE CITY, DEL. June 18 [1864] cds and Fort Delaware oval examined markings. Prisoner James Moss was a private in Co. A 23rd VA Infantry (Louisa Rifles), wounded at Winchester, returned, and later taken prisoner at Spotsylvania and confined at Belle Plain, Va. from where he was transferred to Ft. Delaware 20 May 1864. $650.

$ 650


FORT DELAWARE, DELAWARE CITY: POW cover addressed to Mrs. Mary E. Douglass, Fishersville, Augusta County, Virginia; US 65 3¢ rose canceled by target and tied by partial strike of RICHMOND / Va. CDS, small DELAWARE CITY / DEL. // NOV /18 CDS, used with CSA 12-KB dark blue (touched at left to enormous margins right into other stamp and bottom) tied by both the Richmond and Delaware City circular datestamps, manuscript "By Flag of Truce Boat via Fortress Monroe," pristine Very Fine mixed-franking cover, Choice, 2002 CSA certificate 04298. $1,300.

$ 1,300


FORT DELAWARE, DELAWARE CITY: POW cover addressed to Lieut. W.A. Smith, Prisoner of War, Fort Delaware, Del, Division 28; with manuscript directive “For Flag of Truce Via City Point and Fortress Monroe” with pencil docketing “Jn Banets (?) Oct. 26th.” US and CSA mixed franking with CSA 12-AD, 10¢ blue and US 65, 3¢ rose (both stamps with tiny faults) tied together by segmented cork cancel, and Confederate stamp with OCT 20 (1864) Old Point Comfort double-circle cancel. The oval censor handstamp was used at Fort Delaware only for about seven months. By November 4, 1864, the use of an examined marking at Fort Delaware had been discontinued, although letters were still censored. Hillsville, Va., October 7th 1864” mailing origina at lower left, from Lt. Smith’s wife, Electa. 2001 CSA certificate 04076. $1,500.

William Alexander Smith served in Company J, 50th Virginia Regiment, Jones’ Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewells Corps. Much more information on linked page.

$ 1,500


POINT LOOKOUT, MARYLAND: fresh inner prisoner-of-war cover to Henry M. Cunningham Esq., Co “J” 1st Div. Prison Camp, Point Lookout Md., Care of Major Comdg Post with notation “to be forwd if he is not (there).” Franked and fully prepaid as an outer cover but no postmarks so clearly sent as an inner cover, US 65, 3¢ rose uncancelled but "tied" by a small spot of gum staining, used with CSA 11, 10¢ blue (3 large margins, couple small toned spots), tied by bold manuscript "19 Dec" docketing, magenta manuscript "Died 14th Jany 1865" at top, 2000 PSE certificate 40899. $900. H.M. Cunningham is shown in prison records as a private in Company F, 3rd South Carolina Regiment who died of pneumonia on January 8, 1865, and is buried in the Confederate Cemetery at Point Lookout. Captured at North Anna May 23, 1864. I could not find records specifically for Henry M. Cunningham and there are enough inconsistencies to be certain of this identification as our addressee. More research needed.

$ 900


"IMMORTAL 600" MORRIS ISLAND, S.C.: US 65, 3¢ rose (tiny corner perf crease at UR) tied by ALLENVILLE / KY. // OCT / 2 (1864) CDS with date in manuscript, addressed to Lieut. Stephen P. Allensworth, Prisoner of War on Morris Island, Port Royal, South Carolina. Magenta pen docketing "Contains $111 Greenback," Desirable Morris Island-addressed "Immortal 600" cover, signed Stanley B. Ashbrook. $1,500.

Stephen Philip Allensworth was one of Morgan's Raiders (1st Kentucky Cavalry). Much more info on linked page. Complete prisoner bio included with the lot. See my article for full explanation of this sad chapter in the Civil War at ASDAPR09.pdf

$ 1,500


CIVILIAN FLAG OF TRUCE: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by bold segmented cork cancel, used with CSA 11, 10¢ blue tied by neat LIBERTY / Va. // MAR / 15 cds on cover to Mr. D. A. Deaderick, Knoxville, E. Tenn. With bold strike of OLD POINT COMFORT / VA // MAR 24 double-circle datestamp, ms. directive at lower left “Per Flag of Truce Via Fortress Monroe.” 2001 PSE certificate 50990 mentioning “stamps with minor faults” (truly trivial). There is a David Deaderick listed as serving in 63rd Tennessee Infantry but more research would have to be done to ascertain if he is the addressee. Lovely mixed franking. $900.

$ 900


DANVILLE PRISON, VA: pristine unsealed inner cover to W. Willoughby Esq, Alexandria Va., censored "Examined R. C. Smith, Lt. Col. Commdg.", ENTERED U.S. MAILS WITH A PAIR OF 2¢ BLACKJACKS (US #73) tied by cork cancels and "Old Point Comfort Va. Jun. 17" double-circle datestamp, (likely in error for "Jan."), couple tiny perf pulls, Very Fine;  censored by the prison commander, R. C. Smith, who is known at Danville from Oct. 1864 to Jan. 1865, illustrated in Harrison on p. 73. Tarbell correspondence. Doctor (actually his first name) Tarbell was captured by Confederate cavalry on September 21, 1864 near Winchester Va., he was taken to Libby Prison in Richmond, then transferred to Salisbury, NC, then to Danville Prison and then back to Libby again on Feb. 18, 1865 before being paroled a few days later, the major portion of the Tarbell correspondence is at the University of Michigan Library. Detailed bio accompanies. Doctor Tarbell enlisted 5-1-61 as a Sergeant in Co. A NY 32nd Infantry. He rose through the ranks to Brevet Major and was a Commissary of Subsistence. $2,000.     

$ 2,000


ELMIRA, NEW YORK: 3¢ rose #65 tied ELMIRA / N.Y. // SEP 29 / 1864 double-circle datestamp as well as RICHMOND / VA. cds with DUE 10 to pay Confederate postage, Elmira censor oval at center (type A) on POW cover (type PWM-10, CV $900), addressed to Mrs. John Y. Moss, Subletts Tavern, Powhatan Co., Virginia with ms. “By Flag of Truce” at lower left and soldier’s endorsement across left end, “W.S. Moss, Co. B, 4th Reg. Va. Cavalry, prisoner of war.” Ex Robert W. Wiseman. $600.

William S. Moss served in Co. B, 4th Reg. Va. Cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia. Much more info on linked page.

$ 600


FORT MCHENRY, BALTIMORE, MD: US 65, 3¢ rose tied neat blue Baltimore target duplex, Nov 28, 1863, on small cover from Capt. B.F. Little [52nd N.C. Infantry], a prisoner at Fort McHenry, to Dr. R.J. Powell, Washington, D.C. with manuscript "Examined Wiard P.A.," slightly reduced at right, Very Fine.  Harrison records 29 covers to or from Fort McHenry. $950.

Benjamin Franklin Little biographical info accessible by clicking on item thumbnail image.

$ 950


CAMP HOFFMAN, POINT LOOKOUT, MD: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by Point Lookout target duplex, Apr 21, 1865; from 17-year-old Sgt. William M. Hill [Co. G, 3rd Va. Local Defense Troops] "The Boy Company of Richmond," to his mother, Mrs. Lewis Hill care R.H. Maury & Co. in occupied Richmond; undated octagonal examined handstamp (PWH-17). The second latest recorded use of this marking according to Harrison. Newspaper obituary included. $325.

William Maury Hill biographical info accessible by clicking on item thumbnail image.

$ 325


CAMP HOFFMAN, POINT LOOKOUT, MD: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by cork with OLD POINT COMFORT / VA // APR / 30 (1865) dcds on cover with “G” examined marking only used January-April 1865, to “Prisoner of War Wm. M. Hill, Co I 5th Division, Point Lookout, Maryland,” 17-year-old Sgt. William M. Hill [3rd Va. Local Defense Troops] "The Boy Company of Richmond," from his mother, Mrs. Lewis Hill in occupied Richmond through Old Point Comfort. Newspaper obituary included. $325.

William Maury Hill biographical info accessible by clicking on item thumbnail image.

$ 325


SMUGGLED LETTER from CAMP HOFFMAN, POINT LOOKOUT, MD: from Sgt. Hugh Davis Smith, a prisoner of war at Point Lookout, datelined "Prisoners Camp, Point Lookout, Maryland, Dec 21st 1863", to "My Loving Mother, Kind Brother & Fond Sisters."Three clues lead to the conclusion that the letter was smuggled: 1.) the letter is written on both sides of the sheet - against regulations; 2.) Smith signed only his initials: "H" on the main letter and "HDS" on a postscript - another violation; and 3.) in the letter he wrote, "An opportunity has offered itself by some of my fellow prisoners…who leave on tomorrow for the South"…"This will have to go in the black." He is more literate and well-written than the average soldier; typed transcription accompanies and letter mounted on exhibit page. (see letter page 2VERY RARE.  $550. LL Listed in both Miscellaneous-2 and POW-1

Hugh Davis Smith biographical info accessible by clicking on item thumbnail image.

$ 550


GRATIOT STREET PRISON, ST. LOUIS, MO: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by a target and an Oct 8 (1864) St. Louis on cover from a Confederate POW at St. Louis, Mo. to James Miner, Esq, Greensboro, Guilford County, N. Carolina "Via Old Point Comfort," entering the Confederate mails with a very weak partial Richmond CDS. on Nov 1; manuscript "Due 10" for CSA postage. ONE OF ONLY 12 COVERS TO OR FROM GRATIOT STREET PRISON, AND ONE OF JUST THREE TO CROSS THE LINES. $1,100.

$ 1,100


CARROLL PRISON, WASHINGTON DC: cover to Jesse T. Hughes, Carroll Prison Room 32, Washington DC; cork-canceled 3¢ rose and Old Point Comfort, Va. DCDS Dec. 31 (1864); manuscript "Released Address not known" in partially erased pencil as well as "Released" in ink; red wax seal on back flaps, manuscript "$1.00" probably indicating contents, apparently a money letter that went through the postal system instead of courier. Hughes, a mail contractor, was a civilian prisoner from Prince George Co., Virginia. Harrison notes only 13 covers to or from Carroll Prison. $900.


$ 900


LINCOLN GENERAL HOSPITAL, WASHINGTON DC: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by a Washington DC target duplex, Oct. 19 (1864), on a cover to J. P. Chandler, United States Treasury, Boston, Mass. Enclosure from "Edwin H. McCaleb, Jr., 1st Lt. Adjutant 12 Miss Regt, Army of Northern Virginia, 'Prisoner of War'" requesting his letters be addressed care of "Asst. Surgeon J.C. McGee, U.S.A. in Charge Lincoln Hospital Washington, D.C." Docketing on reverse acknowledges "articles sent Edwin H. McCaleb, Oct 19, 1864", Very Fine. ONLY FOUR RECORDED. $1,100.

Edwin Howard McCaleb, Jr. detailed biography and details of his capture on linked page.

$ 1,100


HART'S ISLAND, NEW YORK HARBOR: US 65, 3¢ rose tied by a weak New York duplex, May 1865 on MOURNING COVER to James M. Morey, Prisons Camp, Hart's Island, New York Harbor Comp 2.; cover reduced at the right trimming off black edge otherwise Very Fine with intact back and flaps edged in black. Included is the ORIGINAL LETTER datelined Jersey City, May 11, 1865,from Morey's mother who was visiting the East from Franklin, Tenn., beginning the process of getting him released by taking the oath of allegiance. At the end of the letter, she writes of conditions in Tennessee, "A blight seems to over spread the land; a hopelessness for the future, which they have not the energy to throw off." ONE OF ONLY 22 RECORDED USES – Hart’s Island was only in operation for four months. $1,100. Listed in both Miscellaneous-2 and POW-2

James M. Morey detailed bio on linked page.

$ 1,100


CAMP HOFFMAN, POINT LOOKOUT MD: incoming cover to William J. Morris, Point Lookout Prison Camp, Company G, 7 Division Care of Major Brady, Meriland (sic); ms. up left side “Pri. Wm. J. Morris 56 Va Regt; mixed franking with CSA 11, 10¢ blue (gum staining), uncancelled as usual for money letters (carried by courier for security, did not enter mail system), on U10, 3¢ red Nesbitt entire, pencil endorsement at top "$2 -- Gold", no other postmarks, magenta notation indicating the prisoner was exchanged Feb. 18, 1865. SCARCE POW MONEY-LETTER illustrated in Antrim book. $450.

William J. Morris detailed bio on linked page.

$ 450

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