Stampless Covers - Arkansas

Item# 15147

Price: $950

FAIR PLAY / ARK // AUG / 30 [1861] double strike with matching handstamped PAID and manuscript peacock blue “5” rate on long articulate and legible 3-page folded letter headed “The State of Ark Hot Spring Co August the 26th 1861” to “Mr. C.H. Wright, Sommerville, Ala. Morgan Co” saying “we have got plenty of State Bonds here in place of money to pay the soldiers with and b(u)y pervisions (sic) with…this is the last five cents with the exception of a few war bonds that aint good postage money here, so I wish you wo(u)ld send us a few five cents in your next letter…soon as I go to the war & earn them .” THE LISTING COPY FOR THE CSA CATALOG AND THE ONLY EXAMPLE RECORDED IN THE DR. BRUCE ROBERTS CENSUS. Ex Felton. $950.

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