Stampless Covers - Arkansas

Item# 15791

Price: $450

ARKADELPHIA / Ark // JAN / 11 [1862] with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $400) on blue lined folded letter to George Hendrix, Newnan, Georgia, from James Hughen to his mother Elizabeth Hughen, apparently care of Hendrix. Ex Lemley, Kohn and Clippert. ONLY THREE LISTED IN ROBERTS CENSUS. $450.

James Hamilton Hughen serve in the 4th Alabama Regiment. He was born in South Carolina in 1826 but his parents moved to Georgia in his youth. He was living in Jackson County, Alabama, when the war began but joined the 4th under Captain Smyth and followed General Forrest in many of his campaigns. When the war ended, he returned to find his home almost completely destroyed. In 1871, he took his family to Arkansas where he died in 1922.

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