Stampless Covers - Arkansas

Item# 15792

Price: $550

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CAMDEN / Ark // AUG / 16 [1861] with matching PAID 10 (CSA Catalog Type B with CV $500) on pale pink stampless cover to John W. Miller, G. F. Todd Captain Care of West Point Guards 4th Regt Geo Vol. Norfolk Va. with excellent original 4-page letter headed August 15, 1861 to Miller as “Dear Bro” signed D.D. & A.E. Knowles saying “the news highly appreciated by us of which we had had some flying rumors which you may know was very much distorted and exaggerated by reason of the distance and the many mediums by which it was received – we had been informed that the slaughter on both sides of the antagonist reached to many thousands – one report said that the loss sustained by us of the South reached the enormous sum of thirty thousand while enemys was more than double and presuming that the number did not reach half that quantity in this great battle of Manassas, it was a very easy matter for us to suppose that you from your proximity to the Battle was one of the noble ones of Georgia’s brave and gallant sons that should be by the fortunes of a soldier recorded in the list of the fallen…the news of the great Battle has seemingly started the flame of patriotism in every bosom-it is perfectly astounding to see what is has done-some old sinners whose hearts almost seemed to have been comped of stone have given up their stubbornness and their business and gone out as recruits doing everything that they can to raise volunteers and the cause of the Southern Confederacy…” and much more interesting reflections from an educated writer. There was an Alexander Knowles who also served in the 4th Georgia who may or may not be the writer (seems more likely than not). Ex Clippert. $550.

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