Stampless Covers - Arkansas

Item# 15804

Price: $500

Hampton Ark / Sept 20 [1862]”- a unique manuscript postmark with manuscript “Paid 10” (ink erosion in value) on homemade cover to Miss Emma Burk, Greenwood, La, with manuscript directive “Care of J. C. Jones, Esq.” Originally listed in Gary Hendershott Sale 18 (lot 10) as discovered with another cover from Capt. S. J. Hawkins, Chaplain of the 25th Texas Cavalry. This is the ONLY RECORDED LISTING for this Arkansas town. Ex Clippert. $500.

J. Hawkins is shown as enlisting 1 April 1862 as a private, as showing as Chaplain Field & Staff of the 25th Texas Cavalry, AKA Gillespie’s 3rd Texas Lancers organized by C.C. Gillespie early in 1862. The unit was soon dismounted and ordered to Arkansas. Here it was captured in January, 1863, at Arkansas Post. After the exchange, the regiment was consolidated with the 17th, 18th, and 24th Texas Cavalry Regiments (dismounted) and was placed in Deshler's, J.A. Smith's, and Granbury's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. This command fought with the army from Chickamauga to Atlanta, moved with Hood to Tennessee, and saw action in North Carolina. The 25th was organized with about 900 men and had 552 in action at Arkansas Post. At Chickamauga the 17th/18th/24th/25th suffered 200 casualties and in December, 1863, totaled 690 men and 520 arms. Only a remnant surrendered on April 26, 1865. The field officers were Colonel Clayton C. Gillespie, Lieutenant Colonel William M. Neyland, and Majors Joseph N. Dark and Edward B. Pickett.

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