Stampless Covers - Arkansas

Item# 16333

Price: $250

LITTLE ROCK / ARK double circle postmark with matching [due] 10 (CSA Catalog Type E, CV $400) on adversity cover fashioned from lined ledger paper to Mrs. M. A. Neblett, Navasoto Deport, Grimes Co, Texas, with soldier endorsement of “R. Neblett a member of company D Youngs regmint.” Small piece of flap missing which extends to sealed tear at top edge. Plantation Collection. $250.

Mariah A. Neblett and her son Robert are shown in the 1850 U.S. census. He is shown in military records incorrectly as “Robert M. Niblett” (handwriting was an issue in those days), with one record correctly as Neblett (assuming he knew how to spell his own name). He enlisted February 1, 1862, as a private in Company D, Texas 12th Infantry AKA Young’s Regiment, McCulloch’s Division, 2nd Corps, Trans-Mississippi Department. He was killed at the Battle of Pleasant Hill near Mansfield, LA, on 9 April 1864. The diary and letters of his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Scott Neblett, have been published.

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