Items for Sale - Blockade-Run Mail

Item# 15173

Price: $1,400

Outgoing blockade cover from Savannah Ga. to Rome, Italy on pristine cover to Madame John Lorenzo Locke care of Baring Brothers (bankers) London, England. It is marked (letter) No. 57 in the correspondence dated by docketing March 19, 1863 and received in Rome May 11, 1863. There are no postal markings as it did not entered the mails. Docketing indicates three letters were received together. It was carried privately by blockade runner to London where it was put into the hands of forwarding agent for delivery to Rome. Had the blockade runner been captured, the letter would have been confiscated and landed in Prize Court. Top back flap missing and tiniest edge faults. Well-known correspondence. $1,400.

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