Items for Sale - Blockade-Run Mail

Item# 19640

Price: $2,500

Incoming blockade-run cover from Liverpool with WILMINGTON / N.C. // 5 PAID / APR / 18 pre-war CDS with modified integral rate (not applicable) on folded letter datelined "Liverpool, 13 Feb. 1864," from James M. Calder to Mrs. M. A. Snowden, Charleston S.C., redirected to Columbia S.C., marked in manuscript rare "Ships Letter" and manuscript "12¢" due, with pencil "Due." INTERESTING LETTER from a supplier of goods through the blockade, which mentions a shipment of cloth for Relief Association, "per 'Zouave,'" Very Fine, likely carried on the blockade-runner Will of the Wisp from Nassau, arriving Wilmington April 14, 1864, Special Routes census no. BI-Wm-74. $2,500.

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