Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 1

Item# 15206

Price: $1,400

US 26, 3¢ dull red (replaced piece at top) tied neat MEMPHIS / Ten. // APR / 5 (inverted) / 1861 cds on clean early use of a pre-secession Confederate 7-star patriotic cover (CSA Catalog F7-5C, CCV $2,500) addressed to Theodore B. Starr, 17 John Street, New York Care Messrs Peckham Mfg. & Co. Sealed tears / small restored piece at top under stamp, flap tears. Ex Boshwit in his impressive Tennessee collection. This is featured in my June 2015 column in The American Stamp Dealer & Collector. $1,400.

Theodore Burr Starr (1837-1907) first opened his luxury retail business in 1862 and two years later partnered with Herman Marcus and became Starr & Marcus at the 17 John Street address from 1864-1877. The firm was the exclusive retail outlet for Gorham silver in New York. Their fine jewelry is still much sought after. Marcus eventually left the firm to return to former employer Tiffany & Co. while Starr continued as a jeweler, importer and merchant from 1877-1900 as Theodore B. Starr & Co. with a shop at 206 Fifth Avenue. In 1907, Starr's son incorporated the business. On July 1, 1918, their stock was purchased by the silver firm of Reed and Barton. The firm maintained a shop at 47th Street and Fifth Avenue. In 1923, Theodore B. Starr finally closed its doors.

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