Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 1

Item# 15208

Price: $1,400

Letter, page 1
Letter, page 2
Letter, page 3

YORKTOWN / VA cds with manuscript [Due] 10 on 10-star patriotic cover with two white spots which may represent two stars for states – not commonly seen - (CSA Catalog F10-3) endorsed by Capt. Thompson, 16th Georgia Regt; addressed to Mrs. Mary A. Thompson, Jefferson, Georgia, with original lengthy soldier’s camp letter to his wife concerning building winter quarter, skirmish near [Big] Bethel, and more. Fully typed transcript of the letter as well as historical background of the unit is included. Cover slightly reduced at left with small lower corner repairs, Very Fine appearance. $1,400. Capt. Augustus C. Thompson was in Co. G. 16th Georgia Infantry. He was wounded at Crampton’s Gap, MD, 14 Sept 1862 and resigned 1 August 1864, presumably because of his wound.

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