Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 1

Item# 17485a

Price: $550

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Letter on 11-star flag patriotic lettersheet, type F11-17 with imprint of West & Johnston, Richm’d with “Gather around your country’s flag…” verse. Letter is from mother headed “Home June 19th 1863” to Lt. Frank Hannum of the 61st Tennessee who, along with his brother, was near Vicksburg. She fears for them and waits daily for news that Vicksburg has fallen. Hannum and his regiment were fighting near Big Black Bridge at that time and were soon to surrender with the entire regiment on July 4, 1863. $550.

Frank H. Hannum (1837-1915) was born in Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee, and educated at Virginia Military Institute, as was his brother, Capt. William Y. C. Hannum. Frank was found guilty of an infraction, garnering a He was reinstated, however, and graduated at nineteen in 1856. He continued his studies in medicine letter of dismissal from his professor, Major Thomas J. Jackson (later immortalized as General “Stonewall” Jackson).at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia 1859-60. Although he was often addressed as doctor, there is no evidence that he ever received a medical degree at that institution although he may have briefly practiced medicine. He spent most of his life as a farmer. Frank served in Company K, 61st Tennessee Mounted Infantry. Frank was captured on October 28, 1864 during the fight at Morristown and was sent to Chattanooga on October 30. He arrived at the military prison in Louisville, Kentucky, November 20 and was sent to Johnson’s Island November 22, 1864. He was released June 16, 1865, on General Order 109. Records show that he swore an oath of allegiance multiple times, indicated as June 6, 1865; September 30, 1865; and May 28, 1866.


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