Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 2

Item# 18394

Price: $475

STRASBURG / VA cds with manuscript “due 10” on Mounted Dragoons & Verse (CSA Catalog SM-2, CV $1,500) patriotic cover with mandated endorsement “From J. F. Coghill, Co. G, 23rd NC Vols,” addressed to Miss A. E. Coghill, Henderson, N.C., flap opening tears.  $475.

J. F. Coghill, from Granville County, NC, enlisted February 20, 1862, as a private in the 23rd NC Infantry, John’s Brigade, Pegram’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (originally 13th Regt. N.C.). He was promoted to corporal January 1, 1864. He was detailed as clerk in Quarter Master Department, Henderson, N.C. Appears on a roll of honor March 15, 1862.

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