Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 2

Item# 18720

Price: $950

CSA 4b, 5¢ light milky blue, close to large margins, tied by indistinct strike of ASHLAND / VA. // JUN / 17 [1862] cds on CAPTURED UNION PATRIOTIC COVER depicting an eagle perched on a flag shield, addressed in pencil to Mrs. S. Jane Colston, Raleigh Colston, Esq., Ivy Depot, Va., stamp with slight abrasions and cover with some small edge tears, small part of top back flap trimmed away, with 2001 CSA certificate, Ex Schopp. $950.

Raleigh Thomas Colston (1834-1863) graduated from Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and commanded a regiment in the “Stonewall Brigade” of the 2nd Virginia Infantry as a Lt. Colonel. His mother was Sarah Jane Brockenbrough Colston. He had a short but illustrious military career. He was one of the few fatalities of the Battle of Mine Run at age 29. His cousin was Raleigh Edward Colston (1825-1896), a French-born brigadier general in the Confederate Army. He also graduated from VMI and taught French and military science there following graduation. He served under Longstreet, Jackson and Beauregard. He was the least experienced of Lee’s generals of division and elicited much criticism.

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