Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 2

Item# 20125

Price: $1,000

PETERSBURG / Va. // SEP / 6  blue CDS with matching (due) "10" handstamp on Mounted Dragoons and Verse patriotic (SM-2, Verse 24, CV $1,500), W. & J. Bonitz imprint, to B. Browning, Westland P.O., Halifax Co(unty) N.C., soldier's endorsement “from Private John F. Browning, Co. D, 24th Regt of N.C. Troops,” slightly reduced at top, Scarce design. $1,000.   

John F. Browning was 18 when he enlisted as a private May 15, 1862, at Halifax County, NC in Co. D, 24th NC Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia. He was promoted to corporal August 15, 1862, but died November 23, 1862 at Gordonsville Hospital (Va) of “catarrhus.” 

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