Items for Sale - Confederate Patriotic Covers, Section 2

Item# 20382

Price: $500

CSA 4, 5¢ blue pair tied neat ORANGE C.H. Va. APR ?0 circular datestamp on 12-star cannon and flag patriotic (CC CN-3, slogan 45, verse 39, CCV for design $1,500, SCV $2,500 for CSA 4 on a patriotic) addressed in peacock blue ink to Miss Hulduh A. Fain Santalucah Gilmer (County) Ga. with 2018 PF certificate 556609 stating genuine, right stamp with diagonal crease at top right and cover repaired at right and back flap (back flap is simply reattached with document tape). $500.

Santa Lucah Ga. (or Santa Luca) is a post-village 3 miles northwest of Cherrylog, which is the nearest railroad station. Hulduh Anne Fain (1842-1901) was courted by two different Confederate soldiers during the war and married Murphy Chrisenbury Briant (1833-1906) in 1864; the name is often misspelled as Bryant. They had seven children. Briant enlisted July 3, 1861, as a corporal and served in Company D and Company F, 11th Georgia Infantry; he was surrendered at Appomattox. He was promoted to Ensign prior to June 14, 1862, and Jr. 2nd Lieut. in 1864. 
In George Gordon Ward's book about early Gilmer County, he wrote extensively about Christopher Murphy Briant [sic], especially about his desire for an education (largely unavailable) and then his devotion to teaching. Briant began teaching at age 17 and continued teaching in various north Georgia counties for more than 50 years. On his gravestone is inscribed, “He taught and inspired the young of northern Georgia for 50 years of unselfish service and meagre pay.” It was donated by his devoted former pupils.

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