Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section One

Item# 20315

Price: $250

20315 CSA 11, 10¢ blue tied on cover by weak strike of circular datestamp from BOSTON Ga OCT 4 (in ms.), a scarce small town; addressed to Miss M. H. Stokes, Madison, Geo Care Mr. Y.J.  Hillsman. I have never seen this town before nor have others with whom I have consulted. $250. 

Boston is a city in Thomas County in southwest Georgia.  This territory once served as the hunting grounds for the Creek and Apalachee Indians who thrived in the region until early 1800s. Old Boston was a Stagecoach stop owned by Mr. Parramore. Major Thomas M/ Boston, a frequent visitor to this region, loved the tranquility of the densely wooded forest with the giant oaks and their Moss-covered limbs. He and Paramore became good friends and in 1837, Paramore named his Stagecoach stop “Boston.” Some say this is how Boston got its name, while o
thers say it was because Boston found a medicinal spring near the town site. In 1861, the original settlement of Boston was moved to the present location to take advantage of the new railroad accommodations. The old Boston post office building and the county’s oldest Presbyterian Church were moved to the new location. Boston is possibly the smallest town in the United States to have a Carnegie Library. The library was built in 1913, and was renovated in 1992. Boston was founded and chartered in 1837, but was not incorporated until 1870 by the Georgia General Assembly. An early variant name was Blue Springs.

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