Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section One

Item# 20335

Price: $150

CSA 11c, 10¢ bluish green (4 margins) tied Army of Northern Virginia GRID (ANV-4) on narrow commercially-made TURNED COVER to Mrs. W. W.  Boyce, Winnsboro, S.C. with red wax seal on flap; inside use appears to be by Military Courier to Robert M. DuBose, Holcombe Legion, Evans Brigade, Wilmington, N.C., Care Adj. W.P. DuBose. $150.

William Waters BOYCE (1818-1890) was a Representative from South Carolina; born in Charleston,; attended South Carolina College (now the University of South Carolina) at Columbia and the University of Virginia at Charlottesville; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1839 and practiced in Winnsboro, S.C.; member of the South Carolina state house of representatives, 1846-1847; elected as a Democrat to the Thirty-third and to the three succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1853, until his retirement on December 21, 1860; chairman, Committee on Elections (Thirty-fifth Congress); appointed a delegate for South Carolina to the Confederate Provisional Congress January 4, 1861; elected as a member of the First and Second Confederate Congresses 1862-1864; moved to Washington, D.C., in 1866 and practiced law until his retirement a few years before his death; died at his country home, "Ashland," in Fairfax County, Va.; interment in the Episcopal Cemetery, Winnsboro, Fairfield County, S.C. Robert Marion Dubose Sr.(1841-1907) enlisted as a private July 1, 1862, and was commissioned into South Carolina First Infantry. He was wounded March 18, 1865, at Bentonville, N.C. He also had service in Company C, South Carolina 6th infantry. He was promoted to second Lieutenant July 1, 1862. He was a Registrar and Treasurer of the University of the South.


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