Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section One

Item# 6611

Price: $180

CSA #11, 10¢ blue, four margins, tied DANVILLE / VA / DEC / 13 cds on small homemade cover to “Miss Nannie Brightwell Care of Mr. John Brightwell, Danville, Va." Nice overpaid drop use. Such overpaid drop uses are often seen when a soldier gave the letter to a friend to drop in the mail. Nannie H. Brightwell, age 18, daughter of  John S. and Sarah  Brightwell, married Jessee S. Bennett, age 21(farmer), on 14 December 1865. It could be speculated that Nannie's soldier beau mailed her such a missive. $180.

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