Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section One

Item# 6757

Price: $325

CSA 11-ADc, 10¢ greenish blue tied light red RALEIGH / N.C. with second strike at left on turned cover addressed to “Lt. Henry A. Albright, Charlotte Battery Poague’s Battalion, 3rd Corps Northern Army of Va” with light difficult to decipher note at top “Mail Lt. ??”; inside use CSA 12, 10¢ blue of different shade used with manuscript cancel of Bentivoglio (Va) to “Eleber Joseph Albright, Moffitts Mills PO, Randolph County, North Carolina”. Ex-Tobias. Military bio enclosed. Henry C. Albright (different middle initial but proper company)  enlisted at 18 years old as a 3rd Lieut and rose to Capt in Co. G NC 26th Infantry before he died of wounds sustained near Petersburg. A wonderful double use, Ex Tobias.

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