Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section One

Item# C1114

Price: $400

CSA #7, 5¢ blue pair (filled in frame printing variety on right edge of right stamp) tied bold HALIFAX C.H. / VA / JUN / 8 cds on pristine turned cover addressed to “Mr. Nath(an) T. Green, Care of Major C. S. Covington, Richmond, Va.”; inside use franked with 4-margin 10¢ light blue #11 (AD) tied blue RALEIGH / N.C. double circle cancel addressed to Mrs. Covington in Halifax. Although, military records (inclosed) checked do not show him with rank past private, such records are frequently incomplete. He was mustered into Co A Va 3rd Cavalry in 1861 and transferred into H Co. Va 14th Infantry in 1864. Included records show him wounded at Chester Station, VA and hospitalized at Chimborazo, Richmond, VA. Nathaniel Terry Green enlisted as a private and was detailed April 15, 1862 to Richmond as unfit for field duty due to poor health. Born in Halifax County, VA.  A lovely use.

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