Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Two

Item# 17480

Price: $500

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue (4 large to huge margins) tied boldly struck scarce straightline Goodson [Va.] postmark (CSA catalog type SL-03C with month removed, CCV $1,000) on cover to “Mrs. M. L. Kinsey, Valley Town, Cherokee Co., S. Carolina” and routed “Via Augusta, Ga.”  Cover with tiny edge repairs. Ex Fisher. $550.

Goodson straightline postmarks: prior to September 1863, Goodson, Virginia, used a standard steel-rimmed circular datestamp canceling device. Goodson was the site of a cavalry raid by Union General Stoneman on September 18, 1863. In the process, the post office was burned. Apparently, the straightline canceller was carved locally to replace the one lost in the raid. The straightline was used from mid-September 1863 until the area came under full Union control in late 1864. Mail volume from Goodson was quite limited and thus few straightline marked mail from Goodson survives.

CSA 11-2

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