Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Two

Item# 19513

Price: $100

CSA 11, 10¢ blue tied blue PETERSBURG, Va. cds on soldier’s cover to Miss M.L. Trimmier, Spartanburg, S.C., with endorsement of T.G. Trimmier, Lt. Col. 41st Ala Regt Gracie’s Brigd. $100.

Theodore Gillard Trimmier (1825-1865) served as a Lieutenant Colonel of the 41st Regiment Alabama Volunteers, Army of Northern Virginia. He served on the brigade staff of General O.E. Edwards in 1858, S.C.M. April of 1862, he entered the service of the State of Alabama in the Confederate Army at Tuscaloosa; elected Captain of Company A. (“Sipsey Guards”), 41st Regiment of Alabama Mortally wounded at Battle of Hatcher’s Run near Petersburg March 31, 1865, dying a week later of the wound received, only two days before Lee surrendered. His papers are at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville. His wife was Mary (Molly) Letitia Thomson Trimmier (1831-1910); they were married in 1850 and had six children. Before the war, he was engaged in the mercantile business in Spartanburg until 1958 when they moved to Alabama and lived on a plantation near North Port, Tuscaloosa County.

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