Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Three

Item# 11417

Price: $425

CSA #11c, 10¢ bluish green, 4 margins, tied blue UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA / VA  double circle on turned cover to Rev. J. B. Ramsey, D.D., Lynchburg, Virginia; inside use CSA #12, 10¢ blue with 4 margins tied neat LEXINGTON / Va. // OCT / 22 cds to Mrs. Rev. Jas. B. Ramsey, Lynchburg, Va; open 3 sides to display with neat penciled Judd notations. Ex Judd and Thacker. Rev. James Beverlin Ramsey gave a eulogy on the occasion of the death of  Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson. $425.

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