Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Three

Item# 11418

Price: $425

CSA #11, 10¢ blue tied blue grid with matching UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA / VA double circle on turned cover to Mrs. A. C. Hopkins, Hampden Sidney, Prince Edward Co, Va.; inside use franked with CSA #12, 10¢ blue (4 margins) used with manuscript cancel “H.S. College Va / Oct 24  63”; addressed to”Rev. A. C. Hopkins, Chaplain 2nd Regt. Va. Vols., Stonewall Brigade, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corps, A.N.V.”  Open 3 sides to display. Ex Thacker. Wonderful double college use with great military address. $425.

Abner Crump Hopkins (1835-1911) was Chaplain of the 2nd Va Regiment, Genl Paxton’s Brigade in Genl T. J. Jackson’s Army of the Valley of Va. Hewas an 1855 graduate of Hampden Sydney College and a Presbyterian minister. He was commissioned Chaplain of the 2nd Va Inf 5/3/1862 and was later promoted Chaplain of the entire 2nd Corps ANV; during this time he was Stonewall Jackson’s personal chaplain. After the war, he lived in Charlestown, West Virginia.

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