Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Three

Item# 12018

Price: $150

CSA 11-AD, 10¢ blue right sheet margin single tied neat GAINSVILLE / ALA // DEC 29 cds on homemade cover to Asst. Surg Geo. W. Archer, St. Mary’s Hospital, Montgomery, Alabama; back flap tear. Ex Finney. $150.

Assistant Surgeon George Washington Archer was from Belair, Maryland, received his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1847, jointed the 42nd Maryland Militia 1-23-61 and served the CSA in various hospitals including Richmond, VA; White Sulphur Springs, WV; Newnan, GA; Rome, GA with the 8th Texas Cavalry; and Montgomery, AL where he served as Acting Brigade Surgeon to Wright’s Brigade.

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