Items for Sale - CSA 11, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type I on Cover - Section Three

Item# 16019

Price: $400

CSA 12-KB, 10¢ deep blue (4 huge margins – superb) tied on back flaps of homemade cover with “Swansonville Va. March 21st 1865” manuscript cancel – miraculously, the stamp was not torn upon opening, although it was thinned. Obverse addressed to “Lieut. Joseph B. Dickinson, Cumberland C.H., Virginia.” USE VERY LATE IN THE WAR – only two weeks before surrender – catalogs much higher than normal dated use. CCV $360. $400.

Joseph Bell Dickinson (1829-1886) resided in Cleek’s Mill, Bath County, VA, when he enlisted as a private in Co. F, 11th Virginia Cavalry.

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