Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section One

Item# 6624

Price: $425

CSA #12-ADc vertical strip of three 10¢ bluish green tied double strike of RICHMOND / VA. / OCT / 6 cds on legal cover (reduced at left) addressed to “B. F. Allen, Sec. Of State, Tallahassee, Florida” with docketing on verso that envelope contained “Election Returns”, blue crayon docketing across face “Pl(ea)s(e) add(ress) Hospital Richmond 1 & 2 District”. Benjamin F. Allen was the Florida Secretary of State 1863-68. Wonderful rate and history. 2008 SCV $250 for pair (this is strip of 3) on cover without regard to scarcer shade.

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