Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section One

Item# 6644

Price: $150

CSA #12, 10¢ blue used on cover with manuscript cancel of Mount Pleasant, Ga May 29 on cover addressed to “Dr. Cotting, Milledgeville, Ga.” Dr. John R. Cotting was born Nov. 16, 1778 in Acton, Massachusetts; he graduated from Dartmouth College in 1802. First pursuing a career in religion, Cotting left the ministry in 1812 and for the next 23 years taught geology, chemistry, and other science subjects. During this time, he wrote introductory textbooks in chemistry and geology. In 1835, Cotting left Massachusetts, moving to Augusta, Georgia, where he undertook a survey of local soil types. In 1836, the General Assembly authorized a state geological survey, and Gov. William Schley named him as state geologist. He died in 1867 in Milledgeville. 

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