Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section One

Item# 6751

Price: $190

CSA #12, 10¢ light blue approaching milky shade, tied WILSON / N.C. / DEC cds on homemade cover to “High Shoals Iron Company or Col.John L. Bridgers, Iron, Lincoln County, North Carolina”. Long detailed bio of John Luther Bridgers enclosed. Early in the war he joined the NC Volunteers Infantry as as captain at age 41. Within four months he was promoted to Lt. Col. but resigned in September 1861 due to poor health. Afterward, as health permitted, he was on duty upon the staff of Gen. D. H. Hill, when the latter was in command in eastern North Carolina.  He was also associated with his brother, R.  R. Bridgers, at the request of the government, in the management of the High Shoals iron furnaces, nail and rolling mills, which were the second in importance in the South, and did much government work. Subject of a forthcoming column in American Stamp Dealer & Collector.

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