Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section One

Item# 8073

Price: $240

CSA #1-ADc, 10¢ greenish blue (bit roughly torn at UR) tied LEXINGTON / Va. cds on back flaps ofadversity cover made of coastal geodetic survey chart, addressed to “Mr. Edward (A.) McCauley, Signal Corps, Petersburg, Virginia” with “Cobbs” at top (no doubt Cobbs Legion). A quick search of military records added no more but for his middle initial. Scarce and desirable. $240.

The beginnings of the Signal Service in the Confederate army were about simultaneous in the Peninsular command of General John B. Magruder and in the Army of Northern Virginia under General Beauregard. Captain Norris, a member of General Magruder's staff--a gentleman of scientific education and of some nautical experience--called the attention of the General to the advantages to be derived from a system of signals connecting his outposts and his headquarters with Norfolk. Magruder forthwith gave Captain Norris the necessary authority to establish the service, and appointed him Signal Officer to the command.

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