Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section Two

Item# 12351

Price: $200

CSA 12, 10¢ blue (4 margins) used with manuscript cancel of H. S. College Sept 23rd (Hampden Sydney College) on turned cover addressed to Rev. A. C. Hopkins, Chaplian 2nd Reg. Va. Vols. STONEWALL BRIGADE, Johnson’s Division, Ewell’s Corp, A.N.V.; cover opened up fully for display and side flaps reattached with hinges – inside use franked with CSA 12-ADc, 10¢ greenish blue to his wife Mrs Annie P. Hopkins at Hampden Sidney, Va. Excellent military address. [VA] $200.

Abner Crump Hopkins (1835-1911) was Chaplain of the 2nd Va Regiment, General T. J. Jackson’s Brigade. He was an 1855 graduate of Hampden Sydney College and a Presbyterian minister. He was commissioned Chaplain of the 2nd Va Inf 5/3/1862 and was later promoted Chaplain of the entire 2nd Corps ANV and during this time was Stonewall Jackson’s personal chaplain. After the war, he lived in Charlestown, West Virginia.

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