Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section Two

Item# 9978

Price: $250

CSA #12-AD, 10¢ blue (lower right margin copy) tied neat RICHMOND / VA. // MAR / 20 cds on blue commercially made cover (small sealed tear at top) to Miss Lise G. Skinner, Care of Col. F. G. Skinner (1st Virginia), Richmond, Va.; while this is technically an overpaid drop use (local use would be 2¢ rate), this was not uncommon as soldiers often put stamps on envelopes and gave to other soldiers to drop in the mail for them. This is particularly pointed up by the different ink for the addressee and routing. Lt. Col. Frederick Gustavus Skinner was a colorful old war-horse whose exploits were legend. He will be the subject of a forthcoming column in The American Stamp Dealer & Collector.  $250.

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