Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section Three

Item# 15988

Price: $200

CSA 12-ADc, 10¢ bluish green (ragged margins) tied light AUSTIN / TEX double circle postmark on cover to Col. Ben Allston, Ins[pector] Gen[eral] Trans Miss[issippi] Dept., Shreveport, La. with docketing up left side as Feby 15 ‘65 / Recd March 10 / 65 and marked “Private” at upper left; top back flap missing. LATE WAR USE. $200.

Col. Benjamin Allston graduated from the US Military Academy 1853 and in US Cavalry 1853-57. Enlisted in CSA 3-10-61 as a 1st Lieut, 4th ALA Infantry, Field & Staff 5th VA Cavalry as Chief of Cavalry, POW at Harrodsburg KY while commanding 3rd Brig Tenn. Cavalry and ultimately was Colonel and Inspector General of the Trans-Mississippi Department on the staff of General Kirby Smith.

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