Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section Three

Item# 18420

Price: $280

CSA 12a, 10¢ milky blue (4 margins) tied QUINCY / Flor. // JUL / 13 on cover to Miss Clara Barrow, Care Col. D. C. Barrow, Athens, Georgia. Backstamped H[enry] C. Gibson. $280.


Col. David Crenshaw Barrow, Sr. (1815-1899) was a planter in Athens, Georgia. He son of the same name (Jr.) served in the 3rd Georgia Cavalry Battalion (State Guards) and later became Chancellor of University of Georgia.  Clara was his daughter. The family was well educated and affluent. Daughter Lucy married into the Cobb family.

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