Items for Sale - CSA 12, 10¢ Blue Intaglio - Type II on Cover - Section Three

Item# 19221

Price: $140

CSA 12e, 10¢ bluish green tied neat SELMA / Ala. // NOV / 22 cds on cover to Mess. Simpson & Moore, Socapatoy, Alabama. Manuscript docketing at top “O.B.” (Official Business) and initials “W.M.G.” Ex Kathleen Staples. $140.

Simpson & Moore purchased a cotton mill in Socapatoy shortly before the war but in November 1865 put the factory up for sale with 1,420 acres of land attached. Socapatoy, in central Alabama, had been a Creek village before the removal of the indigenous people. In the 1840s, Tennessee native John Bradford built a mill and factory at nearby Baker’s Creek to produce cotton cloth. It was said to be three stories, made of local stone.

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