Items for Sale - CSA 13, 20¢ Green Intaglio on Cover

Item# 13492

New 3-7-23

Price: $2,500

CSA 13b, 20¢ dark green, exceptionally large margined horizontal pair by LIBERTY  VA  MAY 6 cds., stamps a deep color; small tone spot at left and sealed tear at right, tied to smaller legal-size cover addressed to John W. Jones, Esqr and Capt. N. P. Thaxton, Thaxton's, Va., Bedford County, Va., small pieces missing from back, very fine appearance; pairs are not often found on covers that do not pay the Trans-Mississippi rate; a rare cover. 2014 SCV $4,500.  $2,500.

Nathaniel P. Thaxton was in Company B, 10th Virginia Battalion Heavy Artillery, Army Northern Virginia. The 10th Battalion, Virginia Heavy Artillery, also known as Allen's
Battalion, was organized April 14, 1862 at Richmond, Virginia with five companies. It surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. The unit served in the Department of Richmond until 1865 when it was transferred as infantry to the Army of Northern Virginia. It was involved in the Richmond defenses at Brook's Turnpike and at Drewry's Bluff. Majors William Allen and James 0. Hensley were in command. 

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