Items for Sale - CSA 2, 10¢ Blue Lithograph on Cover

Item# 19888

Price: $375

CSA 2-Y (Scott 2e), 10¢ milky blue Stone Y printing (4 huge margins, sealed pre-use tear at left) tied by unidentified manuscript cancel L------ / Jan 1st on cover to Lancelot M. Blackford, Lynchburg, Virginia / Box 63 with soldier’s endorsement across right end “Lieut. B.L. Blackford/Recd 2 Jan 1863/ackd” (acknowledged). Someone will properly identify this manuscript cancel—it is eluding me. $375.

Lancelot Minor Blackford (1837-1914) enlisted in the Virginia Rockbridge 1st Light Artillery on 9-2-61 and was later promoted to 24th VA Infantry Field & Staff as adjutant. He was a graduate of UVA and post-war was principal of the Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Virginia, sometimes visited by Jefferson Davis. His wife, Eliza Chew Ambler, was a granddaughter of U.S. Congressman and Virginia state senator James Murray Mason, Confederate envoy to Britain and France. Benjamin Lewis Blackford was a lieutenant (later colonel) in charge of engineers in the Confederate army and brother of Minor, known by his middle name Lewis. They were part of a fascinating family.

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