Items for Sale - CSA 3, 2¢ Green Lithograph on Cover

Item# 15189

Price: $6,000

CSA 3, 2¢ green vertical strip of 3 overpaying the 5¢ rate, tied by double strike of blue COLUMBIA / S.C. // JUN / 21 cds on cover to Mrs. Hutson Lee, Abbeville CH, So Ca. with 2004 CSA Certificate #04479. Ex Judd, Bogg, and Cantey, signed Dietz. RARE showpiece. $7,250.

Major Hutson Lee (1843-1899) was a Quarter Master in the Confederate Army at Charleston. His 1858-1865 papers are in the South Carolina Historical Society which include broadsides for the sale of his slaves at auction, QM documents from the war concerning supplies, blockade runners, medical services, and one letter complaining of the inhumane treatment of prisoners at Columbia.

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