Items for Sale - CSA 4, 5¢ Blue Lithograph on Cover

Item# 10637

Price: $550

CSA #4b light milky blue, Stone 2, tied by LAURENS C. H. / S.C. // JUN / 30 [1862] cds on folded letter headed Greenville SC to Mrs. Mary A. Stevenson, Carnsville Georgia, sealed tear at bottom and top left, some archival repaired splitting along folds, stamp with horizontal file fold and slight soiling, Very Fine appearance, scarce use on last day of 5¢ rate, which changed to the flat rate of 10¢ irrespective of distance the following day. Part of bottom of the last page cut out, although does not get into the writing. Letter from sister to sister concerning “these troublesome times…everywere you turn you[r] eyes there is distress[ed] Mother weeping for their children and refuse to be comforted” – this in regard to disease and not military service. Writer mentions numerous deaths by name and describes on in particular in great detail of suffering. Then the letter does turn to battle and the wounded and killed by name.“ I have been spinning today it will nearly take all our Cotton money to pay taxes and thread is so high two dollars a bunch.”  Mentions relatives serving on James Island (Charleston Harbor)    $550. [SC]

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