Items for Sale - CSA 4, 5¢ Blue Lithograph on Cover

Item# 17486

Price: $450

CSA 4-2 and CSA 6 used in combination to make 10¢ rate (both faulty but presentable) tied beautifully struck bold blue PATTONSBURGH / Va. // NOV / 4 cds on cover to James M. Lilly, Staunton, Va. with manuscript directive at lower left “post master please hand over …” Ex Tate and Fisher. Excellent Mixed Franking. $450.

James M. Lilly was a 26-year-old farmer he enlisted at Mercer County, WV, 9-3-1861, as a private in Co. B, Va. 23rd Batt’n Infantry, Hounshell’s Batt’n Va. Infantry, Derrick’s Batt’n Infantry. He was described as 5’7”, black eyes and black hair. He deserted 11-15-1863, took the Oath of Allegiance the same day, and was sent North.


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