Items for Sale - CSA 5, 10¢ Rose Lithograph on Cover

Item# 19858

Price: $1,100

CSA 5, 10¢ rose variety with Malformed "S" in "CENTS,” tied by manuscript cancel with matching "Proctors Creek Va Augt. 7th" postmark over clearly visible U10 US 3¢ Nesbitt entire  to Mrs. B. F. Little, Mt. Mourne, Iredell County, N.C., 2007 PF certificate stating “stamp a malformed ‘S’ variety.” This ADVERSITY USE SERVED ONLY AS AN ENVELOPE, NOT POSTAGE. $1,100.

Benjamin Franklin Little was appointed captain in Company E, North Carolina 52nd Infantry Regiment, on April 28, 1862, and promoted to full lieutenant-colonel on July 3, 1863, the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg. During Pickett’s Charge, Lt. Col. Little was severely wounded while leading his men and captured on the battlefield; his wound eventually led to amputation of an arm. After spending time at the Letterman Hospital at Gettysburg, he was transported on September 28 to West’s Building Hospital in Baltimore, then to Ft. McHenry Prison on October 22, 1863. Records show he was mustered out on August 30, 1864, at Gettysburg.

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