Items for Sale - CSA 7, 5¢ Local Typograph on Cover - Section Two

Item# 13273

Price: $350

CSA 7-R-v1, 5¢ blue vertical pair, positions 30 / 40 showing the popular WHITE TIE VARIETY in the top stamp, bottom stamp with pre-use crease, tied bold GUINEYS / Va. cds on cover to Miss Bettie Howard, Statesville, No. Ca. with soldier docketing on verso from “Capt. T. B. Beall Com. I, 14th Reg. N.C. Troops, Gen. D. H. Division, Fredericksburg, Va.” Sealed flap tear. [VA] [NC] $350.

Thomas B. Beall (1835-1909)was a 25 year-old farmer when he enlisted 5-14-61 at Davidson County, NC as a 3rd Lieut in Co. I, 14th NC Infantry AKA Lexington Wild Cats. He was promoted to Captain 4-25-62. He was wounded in the right lung at Cedar Creek, Va. 10-19-64 and again 2-17-65 (place not stated). He was in General D. H. Hill’s 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. In dispatches, Beall was complimented for gallantry at Sharpsburg, Maryland, September 17, 1862. "Of the 1,400 officers and men of the regiment borne upon the muster-rolls from the outbreak of the war until Palm Sunday in 1865, when the pale flag of defeat drooped over the guns which had upheld the life of the 'New Nation,' scarcely 50 escaped wounds during their service."  Colonel R. T. Bennett

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