Items for Sale - CSA 8, 2¢ Red Intaglio on Cover

Item# 7867

Price: $1,000

CSA 8, 2¢ brown red tied RICHMOND / VA. // Nov / 4 (1864) to Leatherwood, Virginia; part of homemade wrapper (most of back missing) made from a letter with significant historical content regarding the governor of Georgia. Rare adversity use to create a newspaper wrapper made from a portion of a handwritten letter that reads in part, "[we learned] this morning that Governor Brown has deserted the Confederate cause and gone with the Federals calling upon all Georgia Soldiers to throw down their arms and follow him. Of course I do not credit this in the least; but just mention it for the purpose of illustrating the great demoralization which has so recently & so unnecessarily seized the people ..." Great historical content, piece of lower left corner restored. Ex Cipolla $1,000.

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