Items for Sale - CSA 9, 10¢ Blue "T-E-N" Intaglio on Cover

Item# 12215

Price: $550

CSA 9b, 10¢ gray blue "T-E-N" with bit of gum staining along the edges, tied on large piece (no back) showing full address (I pondered with to call this a cover or a piece) by blue BLAIRSVILLE / GA cds to Mr. W. W. Kollock, Care Rev. J. Hunt, Marietta, Geoa.  W. W. Kollock served in Co. B of the Georgia Hardwick Mounted Rifles, later consolidated into the 7th Georgia Cavalry Regiment in February 1864 where it became part of the Army of Northern Virginia. The main objective of the Hardwick Mounted Rifles was to defend against Union invasion along the Georgia coast and protect the towns and homes of these Southeast Georgia coastal counties. $550.

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