Items for Sale - CSA 9, 10¢ Blue "T-E-N" Intaglio on Cover

Item# 19865

Price: $750

CSA 9, 10¢ blue T-E-N with large margins to full, tied by GREENVILLE C.H. / S.C. // ? /28 CDS on small enamel cover to Major W. W. Springfield, Carter's Depot, East Tennessee, verso with unusual embossed design, the bottom flap of which opens beautifully to display from the front, some slight edge soiling as often seen with enamel covers, Very Fine. (Fully-open cover)  (Embossed cover back only) A total charmer. $750.

Major W. W. Springfield stated: “At Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, where I was born and raised, I resisted secession to the last, but Mills Shultz, who out-talked ad out-voted us, stayed home, while I enlisted as a private and surrendered as a major at Appomattox. And would you believe me, when I went to vote the first time right after the war, there was Mills Shultz to challenge my right to do so because I had been in the Rebel Army!” From the Life of Walter Quintin Gresham, 1832-1895 (Chicago, Rand McNally & Company, 1919), p. 48.

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