Items for Sale - CSA 9, 10¢ Blue "T-E-N" Intaglio on Cover

Item# 8954

Price: $1,200

CSA #9a, 10¢ milky blue TEN (faulty) tied RICHMOND / VA. cds on clean blue commercially made cover toLieut. Col. Del Kemper, Care of Gen Wise’s Hd Qrs, Adams Run, So Carolina, 2010 SCV $1,600. $1,200.

Delaware B. Kemper (1833-1899) enlisted 4-17-61 (day Virginia seceded) as a captain in the VA Alexandria Light Artillery and rose to Lt. Col. by 3-2-63. He was wounded at 2nd Manassas in the shoulder (military records included). He was appointed U.S. Counsul to China by President Grover Cleveland.

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