Items for Sale - Essays, Proofs and Private Printings

Item# 17666c

Price: $500

CSA Catalog 6-PPa (SC#6P5), gutter pair 5¢ blue plate proof, positions B95/D5 from the only known sheet (since broken up), 1 stamp signed Robson Lowe, the other PA Kaufmann, slight crease in gutter as to be expected, copy of 1976 PF Certificate for the discovery sheet (Robson Lowe). The proof has a yellow cast compared to the regular issues, but is difficult to determine without a reference copy. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET A GUTTER PAIR OF THE TYPOGRAPHED ISSUE AS THE ISSUED STAMPS WERE CUT INTO PANES OF 100 before being shipped by blockade runner from England. CCV $1,200, SCV $375. $500.

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