Stampless Covers - Georgia

Item# 11014

Price: $250

MACON / GA // JUL / 22 [1861] with matching handstamped PAID 10 struck twice on small narrow cover addressed to Lamar Cobb, Esq, Norfolk, Virginia / Care of Capt. R. A. Smith, Macon Volunteers, all of which has been crossed out and readdressed to Care Col. Howell Cobb(Lamar’s father) in Richmond;  pencil manuscript “Forw[arded] 5” with blue NORFOLK / VA // AUG / 2x / 1861 double circle cancel; pencil docketing at left as from Virginia Conner, July 22, 1861; small tear at left.  Ex Northcutt. [GA] [VA] $250.

General Howell Cobb served as president of the Confederate Provisional Congress (1861-62) and a major general of the Confederate army. His personal history is well-known and illustrious. His son Lamar served on his staff.

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