Stampless Covers - Georgia

Item# 15648

Price: $200

KINGSTON / GA. // SEP / 10 boldly struck clear cds with matching arced DUE 10 (CSA Catalog Type E, CV $200) on matching homemade cover to Mrs. Mary A. Hitch, Fountain Inn PO, Greenville Dist, S.C. with endorsement of “Private Y. H. E. Hitch, 16th Regt S.C.” (Greenville Regiment). $200.

Y.H.E. Hitch served as a private in both the 16th South Carolina Infantry, Company I, Gist’s Brigade, Army of Tennessee, and Company C, 9th South Carolina Reserves. The 9th Reserves saw no battle service, serving only as pickets and drilling in anticipation of a Federal invasion of Charleston. By the time Sherman came through, the unit had been disbanded.

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